A path to your
personal success

Begin your journey to achieving and maintaining happiness with our free webinar, programs, coaching, and podcast. Or learn how to lead others as an accredited member of our global community.

Coming Soon

Program #1

Fundamentals of Happiness

Program Length:

7 months (Delivered as exclusive web content, plus a weekly group call and check-in.)

Program Fee:

$997 USD

Program Description:

Navigate change, manage hardship and stress, and create small habits towards sustainable growth guided by the positive psychology movement.

From motivation to celebration, we’ll help you frame and foster fulfillment across the seven key areas of life: finance, career, friends, family, health, personal growth and spirituality/contribution.

Our Fundamentals of Happiness program is delivered over seven months as web content, weekly coaching sessions, and a check-in call.

You will begin by taking our quiz to measure your Happiness Score across the seven key areas of life: finance, career, friends, family, health, personal growth, and spirituality/contribution.

Each month you’ll cover a module related to a designated area, guided by an expert in the field. Guy and Deb will host your group coaching sessions weekly and keep you accountable so you can maintain progress towards growth and fulfillment.

By practicing these mini but mighty habits, you too will be able to grow your happiness and feel good, for good.

Who is this program for?

Anyone and everyone seeking methods for measuring, managing, and maintaining happiness.

Achieve balance

Identify which areas of your life are out of alignment and work to improve them.

Welcome the obstacles

Overcome the excuses in your way to achieving success.

Manage anxiety

Tame stress, hardship, and trauma using tried and tested techniques.

Foster connection

Cultivate kindness, compassion, and control over your body and your mindset.

This program covers:

Program benefits:

Inspired by the positive psychology movement

The Happiness Algorithm is a model for sustainable happiness, guided by the study of positive experiences and their ability to affect our individual and collective wellbeing.

“The good life” according to you

Frame and find what fulfills you – not what should fulfill you.

It’s the little things that change everything

Focus on what makes life worth living and what creates the most impact.

Small habits for sustainable success

Set and reach your goals, supported by coaching and catchy routines.

Collective happiness starts with you

Your journey towards holistic wellbeing creates a ripple effect on those around you. The happier you are, the happier your world gets.



Measure the seven key areas of life to find your Happiness Score.



Identify and quantify your personal goals.



Tailor your focus and track your progress.

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